

As a not-for-profit private independent school, the Academy does not receive financial assistance from the Hong Kong Government and is financed solely through tuition fees, self-generated resources and donations from organizations and individuals. Our independence enables us to pursue our unique academic vision of a dual language immersion school for tomorrow’s global citizens with conviction, commitment and confidence. It gives us the freedom to create a world-class curriculum and an appropriately challenging assessment methodology, select highly qualified and experienced teaching staff and offer small class sizes, all within a bilingual and bicultural setting.


As a donor, you have a direct impact on each Academy student’s learning journey and experience. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference and sends a strong message to our community and others that you believe in the Academy and its commitment to providing the best bilingual education informed by a global perspective.

Donation Form (zh)
  • 捐款者聯絡資料
  • 捐款資料



捐款金額 (港幣):



  • 請確保以上所填報的資料屬正確無誤。
  • 你所提供的聯絡資料只供弘立書院發展部作記錄用途。
  • 你的個人資料絕對保密。
  • 捐款港幣 100元或以上捐款者將獲發收據。正式捐款收據抬頭人名稱將按付款賬戶持有人的姓名發出。
  • 如有任何疑問,請致電 +852 2202-2040 或電郵至 [email protected] 與發展部聯絡。
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